
SES Celebrates New Hangar Facility at Port of Huntsville

February 7, 2025

This past week, SES celebrated the opening of our third hangar at Huntsville International Airport - a new 111,000-square-foot facility designed to support current and future aircraft customers and expand our fixed wing modification and support capabilities.

Strategic Alliance Agreement signed with Rheinmetall to facilitate aviation services in Europe

June 6, 2024

On 6 June 2024, SES and Rheinmetall Aviation Services GmbH (RAS) announced at the Berlin Airshow that they entered into a strategic alliance agreement to provide non-FMS maintenance, repair and modification services for military rotary and fixed wing aircraft in Europe.

Science and Engineering Services, LLC (SES) Receives 2024 NAITA Global Trade Award

May 24, 2024

The North Alabama International Trade Association (NAITA) is pleased to announce that Huntsville-based Science and Engineering Services, LLC (SES) received the 2024 NAITA Global Trade Award at NAITA’s 41st Annual World Trade Day Luncheon Celebration today.

SES and GAL AMMROC Sign Agreement to Combine Global Aviation Services Expertise and Expand International Business Offerings

February 22, 2023

SES and GAL-AMMROC (Global Aerospace Logistics - Advanced Military Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul Center), one of the leading providers of integrated aviation services announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for joint pursuit of contracts and to combine experience and expertise in aviation and related programs.

SES Wins Potential $259M CBP Land Interdiction Contract

October 28, 2022

SES is pleased to announce that it was recently awarded a contract with a potential value of $259.6 million from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to provide up to 9 aircraft and associated spares and services for use in land interdiction operations.

SES Awarded three large multiple award IDIQ Navy contracts

April 15, 2020

The Naval Air Warfare Center announced this week that SES was selected as an awardee on three separate Navy IDIQ contracts valued in excess of $13B.

Science and Engineering Services receives accreditation by the Netherlands Military Aviation Authority

April 13, 2020

SES is proud to announce the successful accreditiation granted by the Military Aviation Authority of the Netherlands (MAA-NLD) to perform maintenance and modification tasks on the CH-47F Multiyear-Two (MYII) aircraft in support of the Royal Netherlands Air Force.

SES selected as an awardee on the Special Operations Forces / Personnel Recovery (SOF/PR) Multiple Award Contract for Modifications (MACM).

October 25, 2019

SES, LLC a recognized leader in system modification, integration, training and CLS support of rotary wing, fixed wing and unmanned aircraft was recently selected as an awardee on the Special Operations Forces / Personnel Recovery (SOF/PR) Multiple Award Contract for Modifications (MACM). SOF MACM is a seven year, $996M contract vehicle that provides modifications for the Air Force Materiel Command, Life Cycle Management Center for Fixed and Rotary Wing platforms.

SES Delivers the first HH-60G Pave Hawk Production Aircraft to the U.S. Air Force

August 1, 2019

On 1 August 2019, SES conducted a ceremony with Air Force officials commemorating the delivery of the first five production HH-60G PAVE HAWK helicopters to the Air Force. These five aircraft are in addition to two aircraft previously delivered that have undergone testing prior to aircraft production. Nineteen aircraft will be delivered under this Logistics Support Facility contract. Representing the Air Force was Mr. David Schairbaum, Deputy Director Program Executive Officer for Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) and Special Operations Forces (SOF), Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Air Force Materiel Command.

Science and Engineering Services, LLC awarded the Logistics Support Facility $2.44B MAIDIQ contract

May 8, 2019

SES was recently awarded a $2.44B Multiple Award Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (MAIDIQ) contract supporting the Aviation and Missile Command’s Logistics Support Facility Management Activity (LSFMA). SES has been an awardee of the LSFMA IDIQ since August of 2007 and executed hundreds of delivery orders in support of the Warfighter. This small business set-aside adds an additional five year base and if exercised, a two (2) year Option with a total estimated contract value of $2.44 billion dollars.

US Army Security Assistance Command highlights SES’s AH-1F and UH-60A Programs

April 10, 2019

Science and Engineering Services (SES), LLC, is refurbishing AH-1 Cobra helicopters and UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters for partner countries. This facility uses the same process and facility to support Air Force UH-60 conversions as well as keeping the demand steady from industry for engine overhauls and CL IX.

Joint Venture of Science and Engineering Services, LLC and Yulista Integrated Solutions, LLC win a $4.73B contract supporting the AMRDEC Prototype Integration Facility

December 14, 2018

Defense Systems and Solutions (DSS), a joint venture between Science and Engineering Services, LLC (SES) and Yulista Integrated Solutions, LLC (YIS) was recently awarded a $4.73B contract supporting the Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) Prototype Integration Facility (PIF) located at Redstone Arsenal, AL.

SES Recognizes their Military Veterans

November 9, 2018

On November 9, 2018 hundreds of Military veterans were recognized by SES leadership for their previous military service as part of Veteran’s Day 2018 recognition throughout the company. With more than 40% of our workforce having previously served in uniform, these employees bring critical experience that is vital in supporting and sustaining the military systems that SES supports.

SES upgraded AH-1F featured at Special Operations Forces Exhibition

May 25, 2018

SES is a recognized leader in system modification, integration, and training of rotary wing platforms. In May, SES delivered the first of several Jordanian Royal Air Force upgraded AH-1F aircraft.

SES delivers the second of multiple Spanish SH-60 upgraded aircraft

April 16, 2018

This April, SES delivered the second of mutiple SH-60F aircraft to the Spanish Navy. As part of Foreign Militray Sale transaction, SES was selected to design, modfiy, and install multiple upgrades to aircraft previously deemed excess US Navy aircraft.

SES Accomplishments in Afghanistan Air Force fielding highlighted in AAAA Magazine

February 30, 2018

On January 7, 2018 SES modified and delivered UH-60A aircraft were featured on the cover of the Army Aviation Association of America’s Magazine. As part of the Afghanistan Air Forces modernization plan, SES was selected to modify, integrate systems, deploy, sustain and train Afghan pilots on the UH-60A.

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey tours Huntsville, presents $1.3M for Redstone Gate 9

August 16, 2017

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey stopped by The Rocket City for her "Listen, Learn, Help and Lead tour." She made three stops while here, and hosted a round table with local government and business leaders.

UH-60M New Equipment Training Team Completes Fort Hood Mission

February 10, 2017

On February 10th, 2017, SES completed training of pilots, instructor pilots, maintenance test pilots, non-rated crewmembers and maintainers in support of the UHPO UH/HH-60M Fielding.

UH-60V Achieves First Flight

January 19, 2017

On 19 January, 2017 SES and its Redstone Defense Systems Joint Venture partner Yulista Aviation successfully completed the initial test flight of its Engineering Development Model UH-60V Black Hawk helicopter.

Modified UH-72As Delivered to Fort Rucker

October 3, 2016

On 3 October 2016, SES delivered its seventy-fifth UH-72A aircraft to the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and Fort Rucker. The UH-72A Lakota’s have been selected by the Army to replace the Bell TH-67 Jet Rangers as the Army’s initial training helicopter.

SES will be attending Job Fair at Fort Campbell, KY

September 21 and 22, 2016

Science and Engineering Services will be attending the SLF-TAP and ACS ERP National/International and Reginal Job Fair. All levels of experience will be considered for Aircraft Mechanics and Structural Installers.

HH-60G CSAR platform successfully delivered to the Air Force

June 28, 2016

On 28 June 2016, Science and Engineering Services (SES), LLC delivered the first HH-60G PAVE HAWK helicopter to the U.S. Air Force in a ceremony conducted at the SES West Aviation Integration Facility.

Aviator Statue Unveiling and Dedication

November 11, 2015

On 11 November 2015, Dr. Lee and Mr. Chunn represented the SES Team in unveiling and dedicating The Aviator Statue at the Huntsville Madison County Veterans Memorial in down town Huntsville. Dr. Lee and Mr. Chunn were joined by community and military leaders in the official unveiling.

UH-60 BEST Aftermarket Program

September 30, 2015

SES is pleased to support the BLACK HAWK Project Manager’s Office with the execution of the BEST Program. SES is postured to provide a one-stop, turn-key solution in support of customer modification, integration, paint, support and training requirements post sale.

SES recognized as Boeing Aerospace Supplier of the Year

April 16, 2015

Science and Engineering Services, LLC was recently recognized as Supplier of the Year in the Aerospace category by The Boeing Company at a ceremony held in Washington, D.C.

SES makes cover of ARMY AVIATION Magazine

February 28, 2015

From prototype and fabrication through complex modification and integration, SES is ready today with trained personnel, over 124,000 SF of newly expanded hangar space, and the equipment needed to be the business of choice for Aviation, Ground Systems, and International Government Customers. SES: The Right Team. The Right Experience. The Right Choice.

Madison County Veterans Memorial Foundation

February 27, 2015

Science and Engineering Services (SES) of Huntsville presented the Madison County Veterans Memorial Foundation with a donation.

Veterans Day Parade

November 11, 2014

SES has a 35% veteran status workforce. On November 11, 2014, approximately 25 SES employees and family members participated in the 2014 Huntsville Veterans Day Parade honoring veterans.

Liz Hurley Ribbon Run

October 18, 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014 was a day filled with beautiful blue skies, bright yellow sun and over 7000 walkers/runners dressed in PINK to support the Liz Hurley Ribbon Run. The SES team supported the event with a 28 man team that consisted of employees, family and friends.